
All characters and events on this blog --even those based on real people-- are entirely fictional. All celebrity commentary is written poorly, by me. The following Blog contains foul language and due to its content it should not be viewed by anyone.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

WWSR Weekly Uncovers Startling New Photos

WWSR Weekly has obtained two photos that may shed some new light on “Dinner Party-Gate”.

Thanks to our newest reporter, former action star and master of the martial arts Steven Seagal, we have obtained two photos that both incriminate and solidify the claims of Coach Cozine of the Rochester Spooge Cups. 

Through what we can only assume is a product of his unique martial arts training, Seagal uncovered a screen shot of text messages exchanged between Coach Cozine and Commissioner Kinzie.  In this particular exchange, Cozine admits to being happy about once again coaching, “my one true love”, noted New York Jets turd Eric Decker. 

This piece of information would seem inconsequential.  A coach expressing love for a player is not something out of the ordinary in this league, as evidence by Coach Blake Derr’s unnatural love for Aaron Rodgers (readily on display for the 4th consecutive season this past Sunday).  But wait until you lay your eyes on the second image procured by the newest member of the news team.

Master Seagal also uncovered an incriminating photo taken of Coach Cozine with his one true love, Eric Decker.  In this picture you will note a drunken, trucker style look for the coach…while Decker is looking like a GQ model.  Is there more to the early-education-wining-and-dining Coach's story?

These two pieces of evidence have led this site to wonder, was Cozine speaking in literal terms when he called Decker his “one true love”?  Was Coach Cozine’s Faygo defense nothing more than code for a gay rendezvous?  Did the Coach secretly meet with Eric Decker and two others in an undisclosed-location bobsled storage warehouse in Minnesota for the alleged “Dinner Date”?  These are all questions we hope to have answered in the coming days. 

While this new evidence gives the story an unexpected turn, it also validates Coach Cozine’s Dinner Party excuse.  What the Commissioner’s office needs to determine now is why coach Cozine is hiding in warehouses and having dinner parties with his player and possible lover?  And if so, is that a conflict of interest?  And who are the other two gentlemen spotted with Coach Cozine?  Stay tuned, this story is just going to get weirder.

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