
All characters and events on this blog --even those based on real people-- are entirely fictional. All celebrity commentary is written poorly, by me. The following Blog contains foul language and due to its content it should not be viewed by anyone.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

WWSR Reporter Uncovers Nate Kaeding/Coach Cozine Phone Conversation

Who would have thought that hiring a washed-up, out of work, martial arts expert would provide so many benefits?
While out looking for more details about “Dinner Party-Gate”, our own Steven Seagal has uncovered previously unaired phone conversations between Coach Dan Cozine and former player (and draft bust) Nate Kaeding. 

CC:  Are you sure this line is secure?  
NK:  Of course I am.  I wouldn’t have called otherwise.  And what's with all the “cloak and dagger” shit?
CC:   Don’t worry about it.  The rendezvous is a go
NK:  For real?
CC:  It will be at the old warehouse in Rochester, you know the one, right?
NK:  We've been there like 10 times over the last 2 weeks.  If I don't have it by now I'm dumber than a box of rocks.
CC:  Just checking…anyway, Eric (Decker) and Matt (?) will be meeting us there.  Hopefully we can finally seal the deal and get this show on the road.  Also just so you know, I am a registered sex offender.
NK:  That's, uh, not my concern.  When am I supposed to meet you?
CC:  Sunday night, 6pm.
NK:  Have you lost your mind!?!  What about the draft?
CC:  Don’t worry about it, I will send Commissioner Ginger Fuck a picture of some Faygo and tell him I have a dinner party.  Which isn’t a total lie.  Plus it will give Otto a chance to cut his teeth in the draft circuit. 
NK:  [slams table] You crazy fuck.
CC:  You have to have your priorities straight.  Fantasy Football pays the bills, but it’s not my passion anymore. 
NK:  Otto had better be good.  I'll see you Sunday.  Want to get some Arby's after?
CC:  [click]

This transcript clearly demonstrates that Cozine is involved in something much bigger than a bi-curious fling with Eric Decker.  Why did these four men apparently meet in an old bobsled storage warehouse?  Who is the 4th man -- Matt?  How do Eric Decker and Nate Kaeding both fit into this bizarre scenario?  Why so secretive?  What could Coach Cozine possibly be hiding? 
Thank you again to our resident martial arts master Steven Seagal for uncovering this amazing audio evidence.  It will be interesting to see how the Commissioner’s office responds to this new evidence.   

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