
All characters and events on this blog --even those based on real people-- are entirely fictional. All celebrity commentary is written poorly, by me. The following Blog contains foul language and due to its content it should not be viewed by anyone.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wally Picks A Winner and int​roducing, Murray's Lock of the Week

Gentlemen, the time has come.  That's right, since I now have a reduced role in the land of Milwaukee Brewers baseball, I can devote more time to making you dickbags laugh.  And quite frankly, nothing was a bigger success in 2010 than the 'Wally Picks a Winner' segment.  So each week, my dog Walter, will be picking a treat with your teams name on it (or not, as the case may be).  Keep in mind, my dog knows nothing of football, or you as she-males.  He is basing his pick off of nothing more than which treat he deems to be superior of the two treats. 

Now for those who did not know, since last season I have added a 2nd dog to my household and he wants in.  So please give a lukewarm welcome to Captian Murray Furry Boots FitzSimmons Olsen.  Until I can come up with something for him to do on his own, he will be piggy-backing off of Walter.  So, of the 5 picks Walter makes, Murray will pick just 1 of those to be his "Lock of the Week". 

For the months of October, November, and December I will video tape the picks, so as to avoid accusations of dickery (and yes, that is directed at you Sweeney).  But since my wife and I are moving at the end of September, you are just going to have to deal for a few weeks because I do not have the time.

So, enough of me.  Here is who Walter likes this week

Penn State Shower Rape Name @ Scrotum Smashers 
Wally Picks: The Scrots

Affirmative Blackies @ Butt Pirates
Wally Picks: The Black Guys

Claymakers @ Big Lou 
Wally Picks: Big Lou

Spinning Cosmos @ Bootleggers 
Wally Picks: The Booze Boots

Clam Faces @ Banana Hammocks 
Wally Picks: The Banana

**Murray's Lock of the Week:  The Scrotal Tissue**

Well, it sucks to be me and rules to be Tyson.  On the bright side, I can be the first true upset of the season.  Either way, my dogs have spoken.  Read it and weep boners. 

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