
All characters and events on this blog --even those based on real people-- are entirely fictional. All celebrity commentary is written poorly, by me. The following Blog contains foul language and due to its content it should not be viewed by anyone.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Riley Picks A Winner

article by:  Lou Olsen

     Merry Christmas everyone!!  And of course Happy Kwanza to Craig and company.  This week, as some of you already know, I am back in Wisconsin.  As sweet as that is, I am distraught in telling you that Wally did not make the trip.  Some good news however, my parents own a dog who happens to be the exact same breed as Wally.  His name is Riley and he is going to be picking the winners for this weeks games.  Last week Wally picked the road teams to win and he was right on the Snausage going 2-0. 

     Just a quick back story about Riley.  Last June my folks came to visit me in Seattle and met Wally.  My dad fell in love with him and wanted one for himself, so my parents drove from Kenosha to St. Louis to get Riley.  Mr. Riley is very handsome, but much thicker than Wally.  We did encounter a slight obstacle, Riley is not a treat driven dog.  So, in order to get this weeks picks we had to resort to cold cuts.  Turns out turkey was the only thing that could get this 9 month old puppy to make his picks.  Without further adieu, here are Riley's picks.

Riley's Picks

Blackies at the Humpers
     Wally Picks:  Black Tie Affair
 Berries at the CYO
     Wally Picks:  Choke Your Octopus
For my sake, I hope Riley does not have beginner's luck.  Only time will tell.  As you are all aware, it's Christmas time.  Christmas is a time for giving, so I would like to give every one my best wishes.....except for Craig.  May you all have a safe and happy holidays.  Please, for the love of Lindsay Lohan, do not drink and drive.  Humps and kisses to all and to all a good night.

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