
All characters and events on this blog --even those based on real people-- are entirely fictional. All celebrity commentary is written poorly, by me. The following Blog contains foul language and due to its content it should not be viewed by anyone.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wally Picks A Winner!!!!

by: Lou Olsen

     Hello gentlemen.  I will be doing a weekly segment called, "Wally Picks A Winner".  It shall work as follows:  I write down the name of two teams playing on two separate pieces of paper, then I put a treat on each name.  I hold the dog at one end of my hallway, when I let him go it's whichever treat he goes to first.  Pretty straight forward, and my objective is to see if I should let Wally make bets in Vegas.

Game #1    The Humpers vs. The Blacktion
     Wally SaysThe Humpers     (Disclaimer:  The Dog does not show favoritism, that was his pick.)

Game #2    The Clams vs. The Dingleberries
     Wally SaysThe Clams

Game #3    The CYO vs. The Firebirds
     Wally SaysThe Firebirds

Game #4    The Rainbows vs. The Chupas
     Wally Says:   The Chupas

Don't be upset, he's just a dog who is motivated by treats.  I suspect he may have a gift and this will be my study to confirm that.  Papa needs a new pair of shoes!!

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