
All characters and events on this blog --even those based on real people-- are entirely fictional. All celebrity commentary is written poorly, by me. The following Blog contains foul language and due to its content it should not be viewed by anyone.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Wally Picks A Winner - Week 6

by:  Lou Olsen

     I know that you were all very concerned when you did not see your favorite K-9 making his picks last week.  Don't worry, it was just his Bye week.  Plus it was his Birthday, so he was hungover for 4 days of last week.  That dog sure loves him some Lienie's Sunset Wheat!!!  His current record is embarassing, so I will spare you the exact number.  If he has a good week we will look at his overall record, if he has another bad week then he goes on probation.  Not sure what that will mean for him as of yet, but I will let you all know.  Let's see who he likes this week.

"You better not fuck me over again Sweeney! "
Wally's Picks

Humpers at the Turds
     Wally Picks:  Dookie Danglers

Blackies at the Clammy's
     Wally Picks:  The Men In Black

Gays at the Birds
     Wally Picks:  The Homo-erectors

Chupas at the Choke Jobs
     Wally Picks:  Choke that Chicken

There you go everybody, get your bookie on the phone.  Just to let everyone know, I got a sneak peak of this weeks interview with Ryan Leaf...............................they just keep getting better.  THE Interview will be posted tomorrow, with special guest Coach Craig of the Western division leading Back in Blacks.  I would wish all of you good luck this weekend, but I don't believe in wishing!!

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